Sunday, August 12, 2007

DISCERNMENT - Being able to recognized a fake!

In Acts chapter 3, verses 12-15, we see the Apostles John and Peter being rushed by people who had heard about the healing of a man lame from birth.

One learned from Peter's response to the people (he stopped them seeking a human as the source of the healing power) is the recognition they were doing something wrong - . They were looking for the men who had done this ; they wanted to glorify them (perhaps even worship them).

Peter, on the other hand, knew the Children of God "should" know this to be impossible; Peter only God possessed the power and had to heal the lame. How did he know this? Because he knew the .

It is true that banks train their tellers to recognize forgeries by making them spend extensive time with the original. The better one knows the original, the easier it is to the fakes.

Scripture is the best way to get to know the Original [Romans 10:17]; once we do, the rest is easier.