We did a group lectio of 1 Corinthians 2:1-11 for the "speaking" portion of our worship time last Sunday .... It was obviously something new for most of the people in the room but it was a good opportunity for me to (offer) an exploratory excursion into a more monastic form of spiritual interaction.
During the first reading, when I asked people to reflect and listen with the ears of their heart for a word or phrase that God was giving them, the Student Minister's wife said, "scared to death." ... She said nothing during the second reading where I asked them to relate where Christ -- the Word -- was impacting their lives with this word.
During the third reading, where I asked, "What is God asking you to do or be in relation to the word you received?" she responded by saying that she was "scared to say anything" but she believed there was someone in the room that God wanted to heal ... .
I continued to ask for others to share their personal responses to God and then, as I was closing ... with prayer, the words, "Left arm...left arm...left arm..." kept pounding in my head. I mentioned that to the group and said that if it was in any way related to what Jamie said, to act upon it.
As I was leaving the building a few minutes later, I noticed (a student) praying with Jamie over in a corner of the room. She (had) injured her left arm last year playing softball. I'm looking forward to hearing that testimony soon.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
MY LEFT ARM - And the Right Arm of God!
I'm going to reproduce almost in total a post from Mike Richmond's Simple Living; go there to read it in context. I'm doing this so readers can see how the simple the movement of the Holy Spirit is when "two or three are gathered together in (His) name" [Matthew 18:20].
I think we all are. Thank you Jesus!